Manager for procurement projects

HR-PEOPLE s.r.o.

Place of work
Contract type
Start date
Wage (gross)
Competentive, depending on individual skills

Information about the position

Job description, responsibilities and duties

•• Bears responsibility for the achievement of cost savings targets set for the specific cost category
•• Determines and executes the overall procurement strategy for the respective cost category
•• Plans and leads both strategic and tactical cost reduction/cost out programmes for the respective cost categories at HQ and Group level
•• Provides in depth category expertise, market knowledge and understanding of supply and value chains
•• Drives standardization of products and services across the Group, where value adding and in alignment with effected stakeholders
•• Provides tactical negotiation support to HQ functions and NWU’s
•• Provides expert input for vendor/product decisions
••• Ensures implementation of Group wide contracts and tracks their utilization
•• Optimizes/streamlines operational purchasing procedures for the respective cost category to reduce the cost to procure across the Group

Employee perks, benefits

•• Interesting and exciting work
•• Motivating salary and benefit package
•• Possibility to work in an international environment
•• Regular professional trainings
•• Exciting opportunity of career and professional development

Information about the selection process

Doplňujúce informácie o klientovi:
Našim klientom je dynamická spoločnosť, ktorá je na slovenskom trhu popredným lídrom v poskytovaní služieb. Svojím zamestnancom ponúka odborný a kariérny rast so stabilným zázemím na slovenskom trhu.

Company on whose behalf the position is being filled

Other administrative and support service activities

V prípade Vašich otázok, sa na nás obráťte na e-mailovej adrese [email protected] a v prípade Vášho záujmu nám prosím zašlite Váš profesijný životopis a to na e-mail [email protected] . Ďalšie aktuálne pracovné ponuky nájdete na v sekcii pracovné ponuky.

V súlade so zákonom č. 122/2013 Z.z. O ochrane osobných údajov v platnom znení súhlasím, aby prevádzkovateľ HR-PEOPLE s.r.o. so sídlom Bratislava, Krížna 44 spracúval moje osobné údaje v rozsahu uvedenom v zasielanom životopise a sprievodnom liste za účelom sprostredkovania zamestnania pre dotknutú osobu. Zároveň vyhlasujem, že všetky mnou uvedené informácie sú pravdivé a poskytnutie údajov je dobrovoľné a bez dôsledkov s tým, že tieto údaje môžu byť spracované výlučne pre účely databázy uchádzačov o zamestnanie , pre realizáciu výberového konania na pracovnú pozíciu o ktorú sa uchádzam, alebo na účel zavedenia predzmluvných vzťahov podľa §12 ods. 4 zákon č. 122/2013 Z.z. . Tento súhlas udeľujem na dobu 3 roky a je platný do jeho odvolania dotknutou osobou. Súhlas je možné kedykoľvek písomne odvolať..

Requirements for the employee

Candidates with education suit the position

University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)

Language skills

English - Advanced (C1) or Russian - Upper intermediate (B2)

Number of years of experience


Personality requirements and skills

•• Excellent command of English
•• Russian language – at least intermediate level (in written and verbal form)
•• Several years of procurement expertise; occupied positions at senior expert level - in an international environment
•• Experiences in Telco services area or Facility Management area is an advantage
•• Diversified technical expertise; capable to flexibly apply procurement techniques as required
•• Proven track record in executing complex procurement projects in heterogeneous international environments
•• Solid legal and financial/analytical background; covers contractual issues with minimum involvement of external support
•• Detailed understanding of global supply markets and their dynamics
•• Experienced in implementing multinational supply contracts
•• Capable to motivate/steer cross-functional teams
•• Experienced to negotiate at supplier’s senior management level
•• Strong communication skills
•• Solution and result oriented
•• Willingness to travel up to 50%
•• Lives up to highest compliance and integrity standards


Brief description of the company

HR-PEOPLE sa sústreďuje na poskytovanie profesionálnych služieb v personálnej oblasti. Vysoký dôraz kladieme na humánny a profesionálny prístup čím sa stávame spoľahlivým a dôverným partnerom pre Váš úspech.

Hodnoty HR-PEOPLE s.r.o. sú:

• Humánnosť
• Rast spoločnosti
• Profesionalita
• Efektivita
• Otvorená komunikácia
• Precíznosť
• Lojálnosť
• Energia

The company is a holder of a licence to offer recruitment services.

Number of employees

2 employees
ID: 1913369  Termin der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2014  Die Grundlohnkomponente (brutto) und andere Belohnungen: Competentive, depending on individual skills