Python Software Engineer
The position involves process automations and an optimization of the system architecture. It also includes contributions to code review sessions.
A successful candidate will be dedicated to development and continuous improvements of classifiers built on top of the cutting-edge technologies leveraging multiple data sources and different kinds of information.
Although we've got space for people who want to contribute more in research field, at the moment we are primarily looking for people who want to work more on the software engineering part.
Technologies used in the job
Python, Impala, Kafka, C/C++, (My)SQL, Hadoop/Hbase, Spark, Hive, Jenkins, Docker, JIRA, Confluence, Git, Scikit, TensorFlow
Are you cut out for the job?
Position is suitable for experienced software engineers that have at least some experience with machine learning or data science (school, home experiments, etc.).
Advanced Python is required and it would be nice to have some C/C++ knowledge. Advantage is to have experiences with CI/CD, so called Big Data technologies and at least basic understanding of computer/network security.
And last but not least, to keep pace with the bad guys you should have a healthy appetite for continuing to learn new things.
The appetite for drinks, beers, food and great time will be saturated on several off-site teambuilding activities and annual Christmas party and big company party with cover name 'Zranica'.
Firemné podujatia
Benefity pre celú rodinu
Šport a zdravie Wellbeing
A ešte viac…
Spoločnosť ESET je globálnym lídrom v oblasti digitálnej bezpečnosti a je jedným z najväčších dodávateľov bezpečnostných riešení v Európskej únii. Zároveň je najväčšou a najoceňovanejšou IT firmou na Slovensku.
Už viac ako 30 rokov vyvíjame popredný softvér a služby zamerané na IT bezpečnosť a ochranu podnikov, kritickej infraštruktúry a domácností z celého sveta
Okrem vytvárania bezpečnostných riešení pre zákazníkov je našim cieľom aj aktívne prispievať k inovatívnej a zodpovednej spoločnosti v oblasti vzdelávania, vedy a výskumu.
Sme hrdým signatárom a ambasádorom Charty diverzity. Veríme, že vytváranie ohľaduplného prostredia, v ktorom sa všetci naši zamestnanci, cítia vítaní, je správnym krokom.
Viac sa o nás dozviete na našej stránke.