Customer Success Lead
Customer Success Lead should be a person who can bring their own expertise and ideas and use them to design and implement successful customer journey, specifically after the purchase, with focus on B2B customers. You will be in charge of designing global standards and implementing such journey in selected markets. You will often work independently, but also cooperate with various colleagues from HQ and countries across the globe.
You will become a part of small department of enthusiasts with various fields of expertise (research, customer satisfaction and processes) who respect each other, but also like to have fun.
Responsibilities include:
- defining of customer success long term vision
- defining and continuous improvement of customer journey between purchase and renewal (processes, deliverables, KPIs)
- definition of customer success framework (including required roles, tools or measurement system)
- implementation of defined journey and processes to selected markets
Personality requirements and skills:
- sound understanding of Customer satisfaction and Customer experience management
- at least 4 years of previous experience with customer success management, preferably from IT and B2B environment
- active English (B2 level at least)
- systematic approach and analytical thinking
- ability to lead / manage small implementation projects
- “can-do“ attitude
Firemné podujatia
Benefity pre celú rodinu
Šport a zdravie Wellbeing
A ešte viac…
Spoločnosť ESET je globálnym lídrom v oblasti digitálnej bezpečnosti a je jedným z najväčších dodávateľov bezpečnostných riešení v Európskej únii. Zároveň je najväčšou a najoceňovanejšou IT firmou na Slovensku.
Už viac ako 30 rokov vyvíjame popredný softvér a služby zamerané na IT bezpečnosť a ochranu podnikov, kritickej infraštruktúry a domácností z celého sveta
Okrem vytvárania bezpečnostných riešení pre zákazníkov je našim cieľom aj aktívne prispievať k inovatívnej a zodpovednej spoločnosti v oblasti vzdelávania, vedy a výskumu.
Sme hrdým signatárom a ambasádorom Charty diverzity. Veríme, že vytváranie ohľaduplného prostredia, v ktorom sa všetci naši zamestnanci, cítia vítaní, je správnym krokom.
Viac sa o nás dozviete na našej stránke.