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Vytvárajme spolu budúcnosť kybernetickej bezpečnosti

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Customer Satisfaction Lead

Place of work
Bratislava, Slovakia (Job with occasional home office)
Wage (gross)
From 2 200 EUR/month- The final basic wage component can be increased accordingly to individual skills and experience of the selected candidate. - Financial bonus based on performance paid twice a year up to 10% from the base salary paid during the evaluation period (normally 6 months).
Contract type
We are searching for a resilient, creative and positive thinking person to enhance our Customer Satisfaction team. Our team strives to implement the global approach to customer satisfaction - from measuring of CSAT or NPS up to feedback utilization and improvement of important customer journeys.

In this position, your main responsibility will be to create the framework, implement and facilitate the processes needed to ensure that the collected customer feedback is properly followed up and addressed:
  • define the processes related to identification of customer issues and their follow up
  • facilitating customer feedback utilization processes (e.g. regular follow-up on open customer issues with HQ and local teams)
  • integrating various feedback sources into single list of customer issues
  • analyze customer feedback and create reports to identify customer satisfaction issues
  • identify improvement opportunities
  • make sure that collected customer feedback will be translated into improvement ideas and implemented as final improvement actions
  • ensure that the improvements are communicated internally and to our customers
  • cooperate with our colleagues in Bratislava and across the globe

Our requirements:

  • understanding of customer satisfaction and customer experience management
  • at least two years of previous experience from research agency or customer experience department, or work related to measuring of customer satisfaction / process improvements
  • systematic approach and analytical thinking
  • ability to manage and/or coordinate various activities and stakeholders
  • self-managed
  • “can-do“ attitude
  • active English (B2 level at least)

Kontaktná osoba

Lenka Vladovičová


Spoločnosť ESET je globálnym lídrom v oblasti digitálnej bezpečnosti a je jedným z najväčších dodávateľov bezpečnostných riešení v Európskej únii. Zároveň je najväčšou a najoceňovanejšou IT firmou na Slovensku.

Už viac ako 30 rokov vyvíjame popredný softvér a služby zamerané na IT bezpečnosť a ochranu podnikov, kritickej infraštruktúry a domácností z celého sveta

Okrem vytvárania bezpečnostných riešení pre zákazníkov je našim cieľom aj aktívne prispievať k inovatívnej a zodpovednej spoločnosti v oblasti vzdelávania, vedyvýskumu.

Sme hrdým signatárom a ambasádorom Charty diverzity. Veríme, že vytváranie ohľaduplného prostredia, v ktorom sa všetci naši zamestnanci, cítia vítaní, je správnym krokom.

Viac sa o nás dozviete na našej stránke.

ID: 4890652  Datum zveřejnění: 3.9.2024  Spodní hranice mzdy (brutto): 2 200 EUR/month