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Agile test engineer: Eset PROTECT On-Prem

Place of work
Bratislava, Slovakia (Job with occasional home office)
Wage (gross)
From 2 800 EUR/month* The final basic wage component can be increased accordingly to individual skills and experience of the selected candidate. * Performance bonus 2 times per year up to 10% of the basic salary paid for the evaluation period(usually 6 months).
Contract type
Our product team is looking for agile test engineer, who will be part of the development team. You and the team will be responsible for the verification of new code parts, perform functional testing, and support for developers and cooperation with agile tester of related teams, environment preparation, and opportunity to participate on the automation.

You will be joining an agile and self-organizing team that focuses on providing customers with continuously improving experience. We respect each other to be capable, independent people. In addition, we challenge one another constantly to improve, not to be afraid to propose fresh and novel solutions for tough problems, and experiment with new approaches and technologies.

Working location of this position is Žilina or Bratislava.

Requirements for the employee:

  • Experience with software testing and automation testing
  • Experience with databases
  • Experience with Windows and Linux OS
  • Desire to learn new technologies
  • Communication in English

It is awesome, but not required, if you have:

  • Experience with scripting languages e.g. Python, Cypress
  • ISTQB certification

Will your next steps be going to ESET? Let´s find out... We are looking forward to meeting you.

Kontaktná osoba

Marika Fiamínová


Spoločnosť ESET je globálnym lídrom v oblasti digitálnej bezpečnosti a je jedným z najväčších dodávateľov bezpečnostných riešení v Európskej únii. Zároveň je najväčšou a najoceňovanejšou IT firmou na Slovensku.

Už viac ako 30 rokov vyvíjame popredný softvér a služby zamerané na IT bezpečnosť a ochranu podnikov, kritickej infraštruktúry a domácností z celého sveta

Okrem vytvárania bezpečnostných riešení pre zákazníkov je našim cieľom aj aktívne prispievať k inovatívnej a zodpovednej spoločnosti v oblasti vzdelávania, vedyvýskumu.

Sme hrdým signatárom a ambasádorom Charty diverzity. Veríme, že vytváranie ohľaduplného prostredia, v ktorom sa všetci naši zamestnanci, cítia vítaní, je správnym krokom.

Viac sa o nás dozviete na našej stránke.

ID: 4880727  Dátum zverejnenia: 6.9.2024  Spodná hranica mzdy (brutto): 2 800 EUR/month